Tomato Soup v Agile certifications—

Maciej Jarosz
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

or an argument about “prescribed roles” by this or that publisher or 3rd party’s Role description or any Agile-Guru view on reality vs reality

A tomato soup.

What is tomato soup?

This is an example of a tomato soup

What is tomato soup?

Does it need to require tomatoes to be called a tomato soup?

If I’d use a tomato passata instead of fresh tomatoes would it be a tomato soup?

What if I’d use non-certified vs certified tomatoes in my soup? Would it still be a tomato soup or a non-certified tomato soup?

What if I’d put hot peppers, tomatoes, plums, nuts, and why not cheese into a tomato soup?

Would it still comprise a tomato soup?

If I’d put some random pasta (Idk spaghetti, tagliatelle, farfalle), or rice or couscous grain or farina or whatnot into such a soup would it still be a tomato soup?

And if I’d put broccoli, romanesco, or zucchini into my tomato soup, would it still be a tomato soup?

And you know what?

If I'd have certificates in making tomato soups from many different tomato soups certified cooks and restaurants then it’d surely mean that MY tomato soups are better than any other tomato soups here and there because they have social proof on the basis that THEY ARE CERTIFIED.

Do you have any BEEF with that? Let’s dine in a court perchance. Saute. Certified growth arguments style.

My answer is — my tomato soups are top notch and my people like them. They don’t need the fake tomato soups that you’re trying to serve, they’re not “pure tomato soups” unlike those that I serve because I have CERTIFICATES to prove that my tomato soups are better than yours “tomato soups” that you’re trying to serve.

Now eat my tomato soup if you like.

And if you don’t like my tomato soup — I have a spoonful of arguments why you’re wrong.

After all — all of my tomato soup fans like my tomato soup.


It’s only a metaphor of course though I think that you’ll understand it.

“My god is killing your god and it looks good on TV”
Lucyfire — Black Gold

I like this song.

What do you think?



Maciej Jarosz

I write about - IT books, product management, social engineerg, agile, devops, itil, facilitation, innovation, problem solving. I also review books.